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Requesting a quotation
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Finding a quotation
RapidDirect’s online platform allows you to review all your quotations in one place.
Head to the My Quotes page to see a list of all your quotations. (Note that in-progress orders can be found in the separate My Orders page.)
- At the top of the My Quotes page, you can use the Quote stage filter to sort your quotations by their status.
- You can also filter the quotations by a date range, using the Quote date form.
- Additionally, you can use the Keyword text box to search for a quotation by its name or unique quote number.
The My Quotes page provides at-a-glance information about each quotation, such as the time of request and part quantity.
In the Quote Price column, you’ll see our quoted price for the project, with the total price shown above and the cost per part underneath. All prices are in red.
Read our blog post to learn more about how our Quote Management system makes life easier for customers.
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